How TriCore Benefits TRI Sponsors

Tricore Reference Laboratory
January 14, 2025

Elizabeth Donovan, PhD, NRCC-CC

TriCore Research Institute (TRI) is owned by TriCore, an independent, not-for-profit clinical laboratory based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Since joining TRI in June 2024, I’ve had the opportunity to explore how our connection to TriCore enhances TRI’s capabilities and brings unique advantages to our sponsors.

Platform Accessibility

TRI has access to TriCore’s array of instrumentation that can be used to support studies for benchmarking, proof-of-concept, pre-market approval (PMA) and 510K FDA submissions. In addition, TRI has space to install a sponsor’s investigational device to conduct research.



TRI’s dedicated staff – which includes medical directors, lab scientists, principal investigators, research coordinators clinical lab assistants, and phlebotomists – have the ability to work closely with TriCore’s clinical reference lab when needed. This collaboration fosters a seamless exchange of expertise and sharing the same workspace helps us build strong relationships with the clinical reference lab team.


TRI began with infectious disease nearly 15 years ago, but since that time, TRI has expanded and conducts different types of research studies across many disciplines of laboratory medicine. TRI collaborates with TriCore’s medical directors who have additional expertise in microbiology, chemistry, oncology, sequencing, allergy, autoimmune, gammopathies, cytology, urinalysis, and hematology.


How TRI Can Benefit Laboratory Medicine

In addition to supporting advancements for analytical and clinical specificity, and sensitivity of clinical assays, TRI helps sponsors support:

  • Automation: Automated testing leads to greater efficiency and reduced hands-on work. Artificial intelligence might play an increasingly critical role, too.
  • Optimizing Laboratory Space: Space limitations are a common challenge for laboratories. Developing smaller instrumentation could help address these constraints.
  • Expanding Point-of-Care Testing: Advancements in point-of-care testing could lead to faster diagnosis and treatment.

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January 14, 2025

How TriCore Benefits TRI Sponsors

TriCore Research Institute (TRI) is owned by TriCore, an independent, not-for-profit clinical laboratory based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Since joining TRI in June 2024, I’ve had the opportunity to explore how our connection to TriCore enhances TRI’s capabilities and brings unique advantages to our sponsors. Platform Accessibility TRI has access to TriCore’s array of instrumentation…

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