TriCore Reference Laboratories Recognizes One-Year of COVID Testing in New Mexico

MEDIA CONTACT                                                                 

Beth Bailey

Director, Strategic Development & Communications





TriCore Reference Laboratories Recognizes One-Year of COVID Testing for New Mexico


Albuquerque, New Mexico – March 12, 2021 – Today, March 12, marks one year since TriCore Reference Laboratories resulted it’s first COVID-19 test for New Mexico. 

TriCore launched the CDC assay for COVID-19 testing on March 12, 2020, one day after the first positive case in New Mexico. Since that time, the independent regional laboratory has brought live multiple testing platforms to increase testing capacity for the community. In addition to maximizing an instrument testing pool at the core laboratory in Albuquerque, TriCore has decentralized testing to their hospital labs state-wide and to their Southern New Mexico Core lab in Las Cruces.

Says Dr. Michael Crossey, TriCore’s CEO, “Today marks an important milestone. It has been a demanding journey, requiring every member of the organization to adapt and persevere – a true testament to our strong and enduring culture.  We are grateful for the partnerships formed with the State of NM and other organizations across the state. Today, over 800,000 COVID tests later, TriCore continues to support New Mexico’s COVID-19 response while advancing other important work to improve the health of our communities.”  


About TriCore Reference Laboratories TriCore Reference Laboratories is an independent, not-for-profit, clinical reference laboratory founded and headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1998, co-sponsored by Presbyterian Healthcare Services and University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. TriCore provides over 2,900, full-service, state-of-the-art laboratory tests to healthcare professionals and their patients. TriCore also provides analytics and research services, supporting healthcare and scientific organizations worldwide. TriCore’s Rhodes Group offers laboratory software and consulting services to optimize clinical laboratory operations, including empowering population health management and targeted intervention strategies. For more information, visit