Kim Hedrick Named Vice President of Business Development

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Director, Strategic Development & Communications
(505) 938-8393

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ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico – January 7, 2019 – TriCore Reference Laboratories is pleased to announce and welcome Kim Hedrick as the Vice President of Business Development. Reporting to TriCore CEO, Dr. Michael Crossey, Ms. Hedrick will assume responsibility for developing, implementing and directing business development strategies for TriCore and Rhodes Group business lines.

Ms. Hedrick has a rich history with TriCore. She led the merger twenty years ago of the hospital laboratories of The Reference Laboratory, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, and Presbyterian Healthcare Services. Of her appointment, she stated, “I am so glad to return to TriCore. I look forward to working with the dedicated TriCore pathologists and employees who have made TriCore such a success over the past 20 years.”

Says Dr. Crossey, “In this time of rapid change in healthcare, strong leadership in business development is paramount to ensure we are best serving New Mexico patients. Ms. Hedrick brings an innovative approach, deep expertise in healthcare, and strong ties to the community that will be instrumental in advancing TriCore’s growth and transformation strategy. I am honored to have her join the TriCore team.”

Ms. Hedrick previously served as Chief Operations Officer for Eye Associates of New Mexico and Molina Healthcare of New Mexico where she oversaw operations for both organizations. She also served as the Vice President of Strategic Business Development for the UNM Medical Group, Inc., where she directed business development activities for more than 900 physicians in 152 specialties including strategic planning, new hospital (UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center) and clinic development, real estate management and telehealth contracting. Prior to that role she served as Administrative Director of Community Relations for Presbyterian Healthcare Services, where she was the project lead for the initial planning of a 250-million-dollar hospital and medical office building on Albuquerque’s Westside now known as Presbyterian Rust Medical Center.

Ms. Hedrick earned her Master of Business Administration from the University of New Mexico, her Master of Science in industrial organizational psychology from Pennsylvania State University and her Bachelor of Science in psychology from the University of New Mexico, where she graduated with honors, magna cum laude.

About TriCore:
TriCore Reference Laboratories is an independent, not-for-profit, clinical reference laboratory founded and headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, co-sponsored by Presbyterian Healthcare Services and University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. TriCore provides over 2,900, full-service, state-of-the-art laboratory tests to healthcare professionals and their patients. TriCore also provides analytics and research services, supporting healthcare and scientific organizations worldwide. TriCore’s Rhodes Group offers laboratory software and consulting services to optimize clinical laboratory operations, including empowering population health management and targeted intervention strategies. For more information, visit